Monday, May 2, 2011


I'd like to ponder women for a bit. What is it that drives these strange creatures to torture the minds of men. Why do they feel that men should possess advance mind-reading equipment hardwired into their brains? I asked someone very dear to my heart what it is and she told me, "You have to use the context clues" And the first thing that came to mind was, "Wha? We suck at that though!" And we do, Ladies. We suck at reading your mind, and no matter how mad you get at us every time unless it's over the exact same thing life would be easier if you explained. Really that's all that really bugs me... I love ladies and all but I am mentally programmed to be different. So yeah. Ding dong Osama's dead. We climbed into is camp and shot his people up.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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