Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mormons and Mitt Romney, as well as why I support him.

I am a supporter of Romney, let me get that out of the way first. But I cannot tolerate being at a LDS School and hearing people say that they think a Mormon President would solve all our problems, well being a member of this church doesn't mean he's going to go in and solve all of our problems. Most of the problems we have landed ourselves in haven't been solved because of Partisainship. And unless he's the biggest Ta'veren since Artur Hawkwing (For you Brandon) he's not going to be able to solve all the problems. To quickly end my thoughts on Mormons and him, don't like him because he's the same religion as you. Like him because he is well qualified for the Presidency.

On to why I approve of him. Mitt Romney was a Conservative Governor of a VERY Liberal State, and he was successful in compromising during his term to make a good deal that appealed to both sides. Also he is an excellent economist, and speaking humbly I think we need that instead of someone who's biggest qualifications during his campaign were I'm black and I speak purty. Romney also has the fact that he is genuinely conservative instead of a pathetic attempt to appeal to both sides that McCain was (Seriously what was that, you get a person with no spine then throw in a woman just to try and get as many votes as you can?) I think the parties need to work together, but that doesn't mean the President should be as flaccid as a boned fish. There's just a brief overview as to why I personally plan on voting for him in the primaries unless someone better shows up to try for the nomination. If you want more information about Romney go ahead and check out his website at

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